



2024-07-25 23:08:31 来源:网络


“在阳光下”翻译成英文 -
in the sunshine under the sun
Walk in the sun 注释:在阳光下:in the sun 在阳光下读书:read in the sun


你的上衣英语怎么说? -
你的衣服好漂亮啊!英语怎么说啊Your clothes are gorgeous!如果是为了称赞她,俯以直接说:You look fabulous!你的上衣是什么颜色?请用翻译为英文用什么句型,。。。what color is jacket?你穿多大的衣服用英语怎么说What size of clothes do you wear?穿上你的外套用英文咋翻译Put on your到此结束了?。
In the sunshine of March
谁能帮我翻译一下 阳光那么刺眼,我依旧那么偏执 这句话的英文
The sunshine is so dazzling, and I am still that paranoid.这里的that是那么的意思。
The snowflakes in the sun.
我的爱曝晒在阳光下 英文怎么翻译 -
My love is insolating in the sun.
总之,ldquo;走在阳光下”的英文翻译是“Walking in the sunshine”,但具体的翻译方式还需要根据上下文和语境的需要进行调整和选择。在翻译过程中,我们应该注重保持原句的意象和情感色彩,让读者能够更好地理解和感受原句所要传达的信息。
她在阳光下只晒了一会儿翻译英文 用exposure这个单词 -
she was exposed to the sunlight for only a moment.exposure是expose的名词形式,be exposed to sth 意为暴露在……下,
im ten years now and who is a sunshine and outgoing boy .i have many hobbies like play the chest ,palying guitar ,reading so on .whats my favorite is reading .cause Gorki said :books is the staires of people.my dream is to be a astonishor and to seek the dandy things 是什么。